Injured at work


The WSIB/Return to Work committees purpose is to help injured workers’ understand the complex system put in place by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board and assist them in ensuring that their claim is processed properly so that it will be covered. (Please see committee contact info )

Workplace injuries are very common and another part of this Committee’s responsibilities is to ensure that injured workers have a proper plan in place and are accommodated properly when returning to work. They assist in ensuring that the injured worker receives fair treatment by the Employer and that they receive the appropriate health care disability benefits that they require.

Getting injured is not fun. Taking the right approach is important as it can save you time and money. Remember that your personal health and safety is your responsibility but your WSIB committee is here to help you through those tough times!

Some of the steps they may help you through include:

  • Filling out the correct WSIB forms;
  • Ensuring that the information is correct;
  • Ensuring that the proper medical documentation is submitted;
  • Informing the correct people.

Please ensure that you follow these steps if you are injured at work:

  • Immediately report your accident/incident to your supervisor before leaving the worksite;
  • Immediately seek medical attention;
  • Notify a member of the WSIB committee.

How to start a WSIB claim:

  1. Form 8 – This form will be filled out by your medical provider;
  2. Form 7 – This form will be filled out by the employer;
  3. Form 6 – This form is to be filled out by the injured worker;

Other Key points

* Do not give consent to the Employer for medical information which you have received from the doctor. They never need to know the Diagnosis. Employers will get the Functional Ability Form which gives them your restrictions and/or limitations,

* Always document all conversations you have with co-workers to whom you’ve complained, WSIB adjudicators and the employer. Record dates, times, nature of conversation or complaint. Continuity is important when adjudicators are approving a claim (i.e. doctor’s visits),

* Record what happened preceding the injury going right back to the start of your work day,

* get names of witnesses,

* A WSIB claim must be filed as soon as possible but before 6 months from the date of injury.

* When returning to work and you are called into a Return to Work Meeting, DO NOT GO ALONE. Take a Return to Work Rep with you. (Not a Union Steward as they do not have the required training) Modified work has to be “Meaningful” work.

* Casual employees should report injuries because they are covered and the WSIB will look at your preceding 4 weeks of employment at 85% based on the money you made in those previous 4 weeks.