Job Evaluation (JE)


The Job Evaluation Committee:
• is responsible for the maintenance of the Job Evaluation Plan and Appeals associated with the plan;
• educates and make recommendations to members on job classification issues.



Did you know that 20 years ago women used to earn up to 38% less than men who were working the same job with the same level of experience? If this sounds unfair, it’s because it is. That’s why unions took action – negotiating provisions in contracts and even taking the government to court. From this, the Pay Equity Act was introduced in Ontario, mandating that no one should be paid less because of gender.
The fight is not over. Unions continue to push for “equal pay for work of equal value” to reduce the wage gap for women.

For any questions or concerns in regards to Job evaluation, please contact Our J/E Chair

Laurie Lucciola laurie_lucciola@cupe5555.caCell: 705-741-6533

Updated Aug 22/18