Please also check OSBCC updates for up to date bargaining info
April 7, 2015
From your Strike Committee Chair
Provincial Bargaining
Provincial Bargaining is a very slow process and a confidential endeavor, however, here is what we can tell you.
To date, meetings took place with the management team on December 3rd, 4th and 18th, 2014 and the “terms of reference” (establishing ground rules for bargaining) were agreed to and signed off. Funding for the CUPE table was not secured, but, it has been tabled for further discussion during bargaining.
Discussions have taken place on what issues belong at the central table versus the local table. The management team has pushed to have the bulk of monetary costs beyond salary and benefits discussed at the central table. Many of the items that CUPE sees at central (contracting in/out, violence prevention, and preventative maintenance) have been rejected by the management team.
CUPE did not reach an agreement on the presence of key items at the central table and therefore, made application to the Ontario Labour Relations Board for dispute resolution in an attempt to reach an agreement on what is bargained centrally versus locally. The management team’s submissions are in and a case management date was set for April 1st, 2015.
Concessions at other tables
The government management team has tabled big concessions at the OECTA table which confirms our sense that we are heading for a very rough round of bargaining and we are expecting to face similar concessionary demands.
Strike Preparation Committee
The committee will be contacted in early May to attend the next Strike Preparation Meeting and complete our strategic planning. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Sandy Jones.
We are still in need of Site Captains, if you are interested please email Greg McCulloch (Site Captain Head) – cmcculloch@cogeco.ca.
We are still in need of Board Office Site Captains, if you are interested please email Trish Slavik (Board Office Site Captain Head) – sportiertrish@hotmail.com.
We are still in need of Flying Squad members, if you are interested please email Roadie Robertson (Flying Squad Captain) – roadiecupe5555@hotmail.com.
General duties can be explained by the Site Co-ordinator Captains when you email.
Our motto is “Negotiate to Bargain, prepare to Strike”.
Sandy Jones, Strike Committee Chair
H: 905-355-5604
C: 905-376-8898
Email: calicocat19@hotmail.com
Thank you to all members who took time out of their weekend to attend the strike mandate vote on Sunday. Like most others, I can think of many other things I would rather be doing during my time off but it is crucial to attend such meetings when our livelihood is put at risk.
The strike vote of 99.3% (in favour) shows that members have had enough of the continued government attacks and poor treatment from our employer and are not willing to accept any concessions during this round of bargaining. This is the highest percentage vote in the history of CUPE 5555.
We now await the results from the rest of the 109 CUPE bargaining unit locals across Ontario before we move forward with direction from the O.S.B.C.C.
We will provide updates by e blast and on our website when available.
In solidarity;
Ron Maguire
President CUPE 5555
November 27, 2014
From your Strike Committee
Provincial Bargaining
Another meeting was scheduled for November 18th. At this time the discussions on terms of reference were not complete, but, the committee is close. The committee will go straight into talks about what is to be bargained centrally vs locally as soon as the terms of reference are done. Two more meetings have been scheduled for December 3rd and December 4th.
Although a lot is going on behind the scenes, everything is of a confidential matter and nothing specific will be announced until there is an agreement, however, we will try to keep you up to date with whatever information we can share.
Strike Preparation Committee
Each time we go into bargaining we put together a “Strike Preparation Committee”. This does not mean that we are going on strike, however, in the event that bargaining breaks down we must be prepared to move forward.
Thank you to everyone who volunteered for our committee. Our first meeting was on November 25th. It was great to see so many willing to help. A strong strategic plan has been put into place and if a strike is necessary we will be very well prepared.
We are still in need of Site Captains, if you are interested please email Greg McCulloch (Site Captain Head) – cmcculloch@cogeco.ca.
We are still in need of Board Office Site Captains, if you are interested please email Trish Slavik (Board Office Site Captain Head) – sportiertrish@hotmail.com.
We are still in need of Flying Squad members, if you are interested please email Roadie Robertson (Flying Squad Head) – roadiecupe5555@hotmail.com.
General duties can be explained by the Site Co-ordinator Heads when you email.
Our motto is “Negotiate to Bargain, prepare to Strike”.
Sandy Jones, Strike Committee Chair
November 11/2014
Local Bargaining – Your bargaining committee has been hard at work compiling the bargaining surveys that were sent out months ago. The issues at hand have been compiled and rated in order of importance and they continue to put together a proposal for the Kawartha Pine Ridge Board District School Board.
The following executive and general members (elected at our General Membership Meeting) are on the bargaining committee:
President – Ron Maguire
1st Vice President – Al Mailey
2nd Vice President/Pay Equity and Job Evaluation Chair – Scott Carl
WSIB/Health & Safety Chair – Don Postar
Education/Conference Chair – Laurie Lucciola
Recording Secretary – MaryBeth Pinkerton
Treasurer – Anne Postill
Past President–Vern Andrus
E.C.E- Paula Clark
E.A- Tyson Egert
Professional – Lynn Andrews (Alt.)
Provincial Bargaining
On August 6, the government issued a regulation that recognized CUPE as an employee bargaining agent. On August 19th the Ontario School Board Co-ordinating Committee served notice to bargain provincially.
The first meeting with the province was scheduled for October 8th and a subsequent meeting for October 16th. During these meetings ground rules and a common understanding for moving forward were discussed. Once this is established the parties will move forward to determine what issues will be discussed at the central table. Local bargaining will not start until these issues have been determined.
Sandy Jones, Strike Committee Chair
H: 905-355-5604 C: 905-376-8898
Email: calicocat19@hotmail.com