Grievance procedure as outlined in our collective agreement
Step One- Complaint Stage
It is understood that an employee has no grievance until the complaint has first been discussed with the immediate supervisor. An employee having a complaint will discuss the matter with the employee’s immediate supervisor within seven (7) working days of the time the employee was made aware of an alleged infraction or omission. The employee will be accompanied by a steward if the employee so desires. The employee’s immediate supervisor will respond verbally to the complaint within five (5) working days. If the employee is unable to resolve the dispute, the employee may file a formal grievance at Step Two within five (5) working days of the receipt of the response of the immediate supervisor.
*** After Stage One has been completed, the member will discuss with the Vice President or union Steward to see if there is grounds for a grievance. If there are no grounds for a grievance the union representative will notify the member.
To ensure our membership feels that they are fairly treated, we will move forward to Stage Two of the process with any grievance even when we feel there is no grounds to do so upon the members request.
Step Two- Grievance
If the employee and the employee’s immediate supervisor are unable to settle the complaint, the Union will, within five (5) working days , submit to the Senior Employee and Labour Relations Consultant, a grievance in writing on the prescribed grievance form containing the following:
1) a description of how the alleged dispute is in violation of the Collective agreement
2) a statement of facts to support the grievance
3) the signature of the employee and union designate
The entirety of the grievance process can be found in Article L22 (GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE) in our collective agreement.