Union Membership Card Application- New Memo
Dear CUPE 5555 member,
We have had an overwhelming positive response to our new web site, Membership card, and discount program.
Starting February 1, 2015, everyone must have a card to attend meetings. When your card is presented and scanned prior to entering it will not only prove that you are in good standing but also your identity. As a local we have the right to deny entry to anyone who is not a proven member.
It was brought to our attention at the general membership meeting that some members may not wish to agree to the portion of the terms and conditions in regards to paying “dues even in the event of changes to any act or legislation.” that was stated on the Union membership card ,application form.
Although this is disheartening as paying dues and staying current is the shear premise of all unions I understand that it is your right not to agree, at this time.
If you do not wish to agree to the terms and conditions of the union membership card application form in its entirety, I would ask that you sign the form, and write “oath and current only” prior to sending the form to us.
Members who sign the form and agree to the terms and conditions in its entirety will be sent a membership card with a personalized number and bar code. The card will be scanned and used to gain entrance to meetings. Along with this, the card will be recognized at area businesses to receive discounts.
For members who do not wish to agree to the terms and conditions in their entirety, and sign the form indicating ““oath and current only” a generic membership card with a personalized number and bar code to gain access to meetings only. These cards however, will not be recognized at area businesses for discounts.
We have had over two hundred application forms returned signed and will be sending the cards out at the start of the New Year. The application form can be found under the “union card” heading on the home page of our website www.cupe5555.ca
For any questions our concerns, please email me at president@cupe5555.ca
I thank you for your continued support in building a stronger union.
Ron Maguire
President CUPE 5555
Representing Education Workers of the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
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